Guild: ProcnessMons Server: Global Language: English Communication: Discord server/ingame chat Siege Rank: G1/G2 World Guild Rank: G1/G2 Labyrinth: SSS SWGT: Requirements: Lab and Siege are required, WGB are optional
Looking for a competitive up and coming guild? You found it! ProcnessMons has gone from free for all siege to organized, competitive siege. A single tower kept us from finishing G2 this season. Your participation might be the difference that gets us there!
Our guild are a tight knit, respectful and fun group. Our members enjoy a fully developed discord, SWGT, a free guild summon everytime we achieve SSS lab (which is always), and support/encouragement/knowledge shared from better players. If you want to up your game and have fun doing it, submit your application to Procness! We will be working to fill our roster soon as season rewards drop.